12th November
8:30 - 9:30
Oral Session VII and VIII
9:30 - 10:30
Oral Session IX and X
10:30 – 11:30
Poster Session B
11:30 – 12:30
Oral Session XI and XII
12:30 – 14:00
14:00 – 15:00
Oral Session XIII and XIV
15:00 – 16:00
Oral Session XV and XVI
16:00 – 17:00
Poster Session C
17:00 – 18:00
Oral Session XVII and XVIII
18:00 – 19:00
Workshop "Water in Action: Youth in Motion!"
Luan Oliveira - ABES,
Rayssa Vogeler Berquó Jacob - ABES
*Technical Tours are paid separately and are not included in the subscription/participation
14:00 - 18:00
*Technical Tours are paid separately and are not included in the subscription/participation
IV - WWTP Passaúna + WWTP Padilha Sul
V - WWTP Atuba Sul and Thermal Dryer
VI - Mananciais da Serra: Education and Sustainability in Actio: Heritage and Conservation of Water Sources
VII - Sanepar's Operational Control Center (CCO) + Central Laboratory + Planet Water Museum
9:30 - 13:00
Second Latin America Regional Workshop of 300 Water Leaders Group
Workshop and Roundtables [for GWI and ABES attendees only]
Daniel Nolasco - NOLASCO & Assoc.
Anatalicio Risden Junior - Sanepar
Helder Cortez - Cagece
Elaine Alves Frankenstein - Sabesp
Daniella Bemfica - IWA
Pablo Bereciartua - Ministry of Infrastructure of Argentina
Patricio Díaz-Romo - GWI
15:00 - 18:00
Second Latin America Regional Workshop of 300 Water Leaders Group
Site Visits
[for GWI and ABES attendees only]
18:30 - 20:30
Exclusive CEOs Dinner
[for GWI and ABES attendees only]
Click the button to view the preliminary schedule of oral sessions
Technical tours will be organized by the local conference committee and communicated to participants in due time via email and in the conference website. All Technical Tours are paid separately and are not included in the subscription/participation fee. Learn more here